Welcome to the Breeze!

Our vision for the Breeze is focused and clear. We are passionate about making smart tools for smart people that want to make money. Focus on building your business, not your website!

The Breeze is about community. Together, we can help each other prosper.

Building your own website?

Click Here for a quick guide on how to get started

Click Here to open up the Breeze and get going

Click Here to locate a Breeze CertifiedTM Trainer (Group School or Private one on one)

Click Here to locate a professional copy writer

Click Here to locate an artist

Click Here to locate a programmer/application developer

Click Here to locate a Breeze CertifiedTM custom web page designer

     Click Here to locate a Breeze CertifiedTM project manager

Want to earn money with the Breeze? Cool!

Build Breeze websites for others - Click Here

Teach people how to use the Breeze- Click Here

Build website templates for sale to Breeze users - Click Here

Build turn-key web applications and plug-in tools for sale to Breeze users- Click Here

  1. Breeze Trainer
  2. Breeze Project  Manager
  1. Breeze application/plug-in tool developer
  2. Breeze Template developer




If you have the time, imagination and IDIY:  Of course... that's what you are looking at right now.    You've chosen a template, you just want to rewrite the copy to talk about your business.  Want to consult with a professional writer?  CLICK HERE